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曼联球迷欧冠冠军-曼联 冠军


曼联球迷欧冠冠军-曼联 冠军

这场和德国打西班牙那场决赛如出一辙,打巴萨这种队就要像切尔西那样,锁不死哈维和伊涅斯塔就会被他们玩死。曼联踢得太小,巴萨往往在小区域形成以多防少曼联就会失误或者传着传着球就丢了。曼联的进攻打得太过于局限找边路,打撞墙。长传找前锋。没打出自身的传接球特点。这也许和巴萨的防守有关吧,边路的传中也不能奏效,皮克看来还是很熟悉曼联的。对于高度的优势,曼联没有把握,反倒巴萨打得有声有色的。一方面是穿得准另一方面是中场的阻截不够拦截不狠,如果曼联有埃辛这样的球员就好了。后卫唯手畏脚的抢断很犹豫,梅西进得那球里奥的注意力全在伊涅斯塔,破解巴萨的倒角就应该向切尔西那样防守,看到巴萨的传球我就想起小贝了,有种想哭的感觉啊。另外巴萨的造越位做得很好。打到最后MU的士气也没了。通常是一个人功10个人看了。罗马之夜我和现场的2万曼联球迷一起无眠,但我们的球迷是好样的,在落后的时候球场里响起球迷们齐唱Sing Up For The Champions 而巴萨球迷则在曼联控球时发出嘘声,这和我们曼联球迷形成鲜明对比,不管怎样就如和现场球迷所说我们没有死去,虽然曼联最终以0比2输掉比赛,不过我们还会再次回到决赛!夺得冠军的.



两个队进决赛时 就坚信巴萨能多夺冠 因为巴萨有欧洲最强的进攻线!

昨天C罗和鲁尼的状态不是很好 朴智星更是垃圾。

祝贺 巴萨!

同是也祝贺一下曼联 弗爵爷都这么大年纪了 也不容易 值得尊敬






5.9 斯坦福桥 英超联赛 切尔西 VS 曼联

5.19 温布利 足总杯决赛 曼联 VS 切尔西

5.23 雅典奥林匹克 决赛


请专业人士翻译 最好是球迷

你 好!RYAN

我是一个来自中国的曼联球迷, 我是一个高中生,通过电视直播,我观看你的比赛已经有5年左右了.

去年曼联获得了 4年来的首个冠军,我很开心得看到ROONEY和C.RONALDO等年轻人的成长,,他们是曼联夺冠的基石也是球队的未来.但是更让我开心的是你和SCHOLES等老将的回春,仿佛我又看到了那支拿3冠王时的红魔和那个飞翔的你.你也拿到了第9个英超冠军.作为一个曼联球迷,我感到十分的光荣,也为你感到自豪.

今年的联赛曼联开局有点不顺利,但最近取得了两连胜.我相信曼联会在困境中恢复魔气的,OWEN,NANI的到来 使球队更强大.我相信曼联会再次击败CHELSEA,卫冕冠军的.






Hello! RYAN

I am come from China's graceful association fan, I am, through the television direct seeding, I watched yourcompetition already to he about five years

Last year the graceful association has won for four years firstchampionship, I am very hy saw young people's the and so on ROONEYand C.RONALDO growth, they will be the cornerstone which the gracefulassociation will win the championship also are team's future But letsis you which I is hy and veteran general's the and so on SCHOLESrejuvenation, I saw as if that has taken time three crowns kings' red evilspirit and that soaring you You he also attained the 9th Englishultra champion As a graceful association fan, I feel the extremelyhonor, also feels proud for you

The this year league tournament graceful association starts a chessgame is not a little smooth, but recently oained the second companyto win I believed the graceful association synapsis restores the evilspirit in the difficult position to be mad, OWEN, the NANI arrivalcauses the team to be more formidable I believed the gracefulassociation synapsis defeats CHELSEA once more, the defending champion

Has the very many graceful associations fan in China, likes ROONEY,likes CR, but I like you, you he the gentry actor's earance andam magnificent , our schoolmates all are called you "demon elderbrother" You in field charm nobody might compared to, yourpersonality charm conquer very many fans, including me This year youcame Guangzhou but I to be very busy he not gone look at thegraceful association the competition Was sorry very much

Next time will come China I certainly to watch your competition

Here, generation of I give regards to respect Knight FERGUSON, hopedhis health, takes the European crown again, moreover wishes the ROONEYdate to be restored to health again, composes the terrorist frontalline with TEVEZ I he a desire am may oain your signatureaccording to and about the graceful association all The hope replyofficial soon will reply in writing and satisfies my desire Thanksonce more!

Finally, thanks all graceful associations staff, you he brought somany joy to me, the thanks! Wishes your health! Again takes three crownskings!

